Liberal fundamentalism in America

“Our constitution plainly forbids hostility toward any religion, including the Catholic faith. In total disregard for the Constitution, homosexual activists in positions of authority in San Francisco have abused their authority as government officials and misused the instruments of government to attack the Catholic Church.”
– Robert Muise, Law Center attorney

“This judge totally ignored or attempted to rationalize the evocative rhetoric and venom of the resolution which are sad reminders of Catholic baiting by the Ku Klux Klan. … Unfortunately, this case amply demonstrates the anti-religious bias that pervades our judicial system.”
– Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel for the Law Center

The guilty parties? The City of San Francisco, and Judge Marily Hall Patel.

The terms “liberal fundamentalism” and “progressive bigotry” may appear to be self-contradictory, like the term “military intelligence” – but they describe well those on the political left extreme who can’t stomach the toleration of views other than their own. Freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Yes, if it’s theirs.

Original article – Federal Judge Says San Francisco’s Labeling of Catholics as “Hateful” is Constitutional.

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