How to study Adventism and Catholicism – an example

… by Bob Stanley Fords and Chevys So you went out and purchased an old used car, and soon after, it had a problem. You did not have the money to have a mechanic fix it so you decided to fix it yourself. Not knowing anything about that brand of car,you purchased a repair manual …

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Just Who Did Change The Ten Commandments?

No, we did not change God’s law, we just list the wording differently to what you do. And also, not all Catholics do that. Many Catholics use EXACTLY the same ten commandments as you Adventists and Protestants do! In fact, Martin Luther, and most Lutherans today, use the same numbering system as Catholics in the west!

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Is the Sabbath moral or ceremonial law?

Moral law

Seventh-day Adventists teach that the moral law laid down by God through Moses is still intact today, and must be kept (though they, unlike their founder Ellen White, do admit that salvation does not come through the keeping of these commandments.) They also teach that the ceremonial laws laid down by God through Moses are no longer in effect today – we need no longer observe ritual purification like the ancient Israelites did, nor need we sacrifice lambs at Passover. However, they teach that the Sabbath, because it is part of the Ten Commandments, is part of the moral law, and not part of the ceremonial law. Are they right ? I had a debate on IRC with several Adventists defending their views, and managed to get nothing out of them except the claim that the Sabbath was moral law because it was part of the 10 Commandments. But they were totally unable to explain WHY.

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Dies Domini, by Pope John Paul II

His Holiness, Pope St John Paul II

Apostolic Letter Dies Domini of the Holy Father John Paul II to the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful of the Catholic Church on keeping the Lord’s Day holy

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More Vicarius Thrills – the numbers of the beast and the men who flub them

… by Patrick Madrid, Editor-in-Chief, Envoy Magazine … Do we need any more proof that apologetics is fun? Well, here’s more. When I wrote my article “Pope Fiction” (March/April 1998), I knew it might rile some people, and it did. Shortly after it appeared, I received a letter from a Mr. Allan Drisko. He didn’t care for my piece, especially my refutation of the 666 nonsense sometimes used against the papacy.

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The use of statues, pictures, and other icons in worship

Cristo Redentor - Rio

To me this is a fairly simple issue, and the problem lies in Protestant misinterpretation of the second commandment and of what the Bible says. It can be solved using the Bible alone, therefore I will deal with it first. The way I see it, the second commandment is conditional – we may make statues, pictures, etc., but we may not worship them. And since Catholics do not worship the images in their churches and homes, they are not breaking any of God’s commandments by using those images.

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Soul sleep – are the dead alive in heaven, or not?

First I’ll deal with the evolution of the concept of the state of the dead, and then get onto specific biblical arguments about it.

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