Adventism seems to like sticking up anti-Catholic billboards. This time it was an Adventist spin-off denomination, Eternal Gospel Church. This was around the beginning of February, and commented on at Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
Interestingly, the sign people, CBS Outdoors, refused to let Catholics pay for a sign simply stating the truth – “CBS sponsors Anti-Catholicism.”
CBS Stifles Free Speech; Promotes Anti-Catholicism
CBS Pulls Anti-Catholic Billboards CBS Outdoors apologised for the offensive signs, and removed them.CBS Outdoor made the right decision today to remove the bigoted statements attacking the pope and the Catholic Church as the Antichrist. – Catholic League president Bill Donohue.
Interestingly, on their website, they list as an upcoming speaker Jan Marcussen, someone I had contact with some years ago. His newsletter was one of the most rabid I’ve ever come across, grossly misrepresenting anything not in agreement with them. I wrote them a letter, and it made it into the newsletter – completely distorted, made to say things I never wrote. This was one of the first contacts I had with Adventism. It looks like nothing has changed, at least as far as this group goes. Probably why mainstream Adventism wants nothing to do with them.